Newbridge Demesne
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Newbridge Avenue, Newbridge, Co. Dublin
If you visit the farm of Newbridge Demesne, be prepared that a long stroll is ahead of you. The journey starts in the cobbled courtyard (not really convenient if you are with a buggy) and after visiting a set of buidings (i.e. the Coach House, the Blacksmith's Forge, the Vinery, the Pig Sty), you arrive at a paddock including a small pond with ducks and geese. Leaving the paddock massive pastures follow with grazing cows and beautiful horses. Depending on how much you (and especially your toddler) linger in front of each animal, the visit of the farm can take quite a long time, considering that the farm animals can be petted freely. On the grounds of the demesne, there is a great adventure playground No matter how old the kids are, it is a must!
How to get there: It is advised to visit the demesne by car.
Entry is priced
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